Sadgurudev Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag

His Spiritual Mission for Divine Transformation of Humanity


Sadgurudev Siyag’s mission is for every human being, irrespective of gender, religion, nationality, language, race or age. People based in different corners of the world are undergoing involuntary yogic movements and benefitting from spiritual meditation on Sadgurudev Siyag’s image. As medical science gives results for all human beings, so does spiritual science. Further, there is no barrier of time and space in this practice.

Spiritual Meditation can be practiced: 

By Anyone  of any religion, race, nationality  
Anytime  morning, noon, evening, night  
For any duration  5, 10, 18, 30 minutes   
Anywhere  Home, office, park, hotel  
Anyplace  on floor, bed, couch, Sofa 
In any position  cross-legged, lying down, relaxed, sitting on chair
Facing any direction  East, west, south, north etc.
By any age  child, young, middle-aged, old  
For any disease  Physical, mental, spiritual and any kind of addiction  
For freedom from any stress   related to family, business, work or existential questions

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