Sadgurudev Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag

His Spiritual Mission for Divine Transformation of Humanity

Baba Shri Gangainath Ji Yogi

Baba Shri Gangai Nath Ji was an Aai-panthi Nath Sanyasi Yogi, who was born in Sirma village, now in Rajsamand district of Rajasthan. Since childhood he would devote much of his time in prayers to God and worshipping. He left home at young age and became a Sanyasi (Hermit, monk) to explore spirituality.

His initial years in this quest were spent at Asthal Bhor Akhada (Haryana), Banaras (Varanasi) and Himachal Pradesh. But a strong spiritual force pulled him to Kajalwas village, near Marwar junction in Rajasthan, where he found his guru Shri Bhau Nath Ji, who used to do his tapasya (rigorous spiritual practice) there.

Since time immemorial Kajalwas has been the tapobhumi (sacred place for spiritual practice) for Nath Yogis. Live samadhis of eleven Nath Yogis are situated here. The last samadhi at Kajalwas is of Shri Bhau Nath ji, who transferred the authority of Gurudom to his disciple Shri Gangai Nath ji and ordered him to shift his base to Jamsar, near Bikaner. Baba Gangai Nath Ji wanted to stay at the same place where his Guru and many before him took Samadhi, but he had to follow the spiritual command of his Guru. Thereafter, Baba Shri Gangai Nath ji left Kajalwas for Jamsar and devoted himself to rigorous tapasya under a tree on a sand dune at Jamsar

Very soon, locals came to know about spiritual powers of Baba Gangai Nath ji and started coming there to get his blessings. Many of them became his devoted followers and helped him in building a small temple and room there for his sadhana. Some would pester him time and again to give them diksha but Baba would always decline saying that when the right time would come, they would get it. From the commands of his Guru and many Gurus before him, He knew very well that the “deserving one” would come one day to him and his sadhana at Jamsar would get completed after transferring their collective spiritual power to the “chosen one”.

In mid-1983, when Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag visited Jamsar for the second time, Baba Shri Gangai Nath ji Yogi, as a gesture of his unmotivated kindness, transferred his accumulated yogic powers into him and there began a new life for Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag. Having attained Gayatri Siddhi in 1969, Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag was in search of a true Guru, who could help him cross the “final hurdle”. He travelled a lot all over India to meet many spiritual masters but none could meet his expectations. During all these years, he continued his spiritual sadhana in his quest to “go further”, but always felt something was missing.

Knowing very well Shri Siyag’s intense quest, Baba Shri Gangai Nath Ji Yogi used his spiritual power to “pull” Shri Siyag to Jamsar. But his first visit to Jamsar was eventless. Shri Siyag went there with doubt in mind and sat among people for some time before leaving. However, after some time he again felt strong urge to visit Baba Shri Gangai Nath Ji at Jamsar . This time Shri Siyag went there with faith and respect for Baba. Having opened up from within, Shri Siyag bent down to touch feet of Baba and take his blessings. As soon as Baba put his hand on Shri Siyag’s head to bless him, a very strong electricity like current passed through his body from head to toe.
After completing his ‘duty’, Baba Shri Gangai Nath ji Yogi left this mortal world for his heavenly abode on early morning of December 31, at 5:22 a.m. At the same time Northern parts of India experienced an earthquake. His Samadhi is based near his tapobhumi at Jamsar, 30 kms away from Bikaner.

After finding his Guru, and having attained the authority of Guru passed on to him by Baba Gangai Nath Ji, Shri Siyag found the missing point. However, soon he came to know about passing away of Baba. This news shocked Shri Siyag and he took leave from office and went to his village to live in isolation. However, his intense prayers and spiritual sadhana continued. Soon, due to unmotivated kindness of his guru, Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag acquired the Krishna Siddhi (realisation of Shri Krishna’s divine powers) in 1984. According to Indian Philosophy, this is known as ‘Sagun Saakar Siddhi’ (Attainment of Positively Qualified Supreme Being).
In 1986, Guru Siyag received a spiritual message to visit the Samadhi of Baba Shri Gangai Nath ji, where he got the “adesh” (spiritual command) of his Guru to distribute the divine gift that he had received for the benefit of the entire humanity. Thereafter, Guru Siyag resigned from his job with Indian Railways, and since then he has been freely distributing this unique spiritual gift to the mankind. Millions of people have been spiritually awakened by the divine Mantra given by Sadgurudev Shri Ram Lal Ji Siyag and rising towards the ultimate goal of divine transformation.

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