Sadgurudev Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag

His Spiritual Mission for Divine Transformation of Humanity


Sadgurudev Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag’s mission is to help the entire humanity to acquire a divine bodily form through Indian Yoga Philosophy.

Yoga means to join, to unite. Spiritually speaking, Yoga means a union of the soul with God or the universal consciousness force. However, due to ignorance prevalent in present times, Yoga is mistakenly understood as a regimen involving certain physical exercises. According to Indian Philosophy, Yoga is not possible without becoming inward-looking and doing Sadhana (spiritual practice), which includes regular meditation and Mantra Jaap as guided by an enlightened Guru.

Sadgurudev Siyag's mission is based on the philosophy of Yoga as propounded by ancient sage Matsyendra Nath and codified later by another sage Patanjali in a treatise titled ‘Yoga Sutra’ several thousand years ago. It is believed that Matsyendra Nath was the fist human to learn of Yoga from Lord Shiva, who is the embodiment of the eternal supreme consciousness. The sage was asked to gift the knowledge of Yoga to mankind for its salvation. The knowledge and wisdom contained in Yoga was handed down from ages to ages in the time honored Guru-Shishya (master-disciple) tradition. Guru is therefore an institution in the Yoga tradition, which is central to the practice of Yoga.

Yoga is considered an integral tool of the vast body of Vedic (Hindu) literature that covers the whole gamut of the Indian spirituality. The ‘Yoga Sutra’, containing just 195 aphorisms, lucidly elucidates the eight stages of the 'Ashtang' (eight-fold) Yoga, which a seeker passes through as he progresses along the spiritual path.

Yoga is immensely beneficial in eliminating bodily and mental afflictions and restoring and harmonizing the psycho-physical balance in a human body. However, using it for this purpose alone is to leave out its sole aim - liberating the seeker from the bondage of Karmas, which tie him down to the perennial cycle of life and death.


Guru-Shishya Tradition

A unique aspect of Siddha Yoga is that a spiritual seeker need not necessarily have theoretical knowledge of Yoga system or Vedic philosophy to be a disciple. Even an illiterate person can be a spiritual seeker following an able Guru. All a seeker needs is an intense desire and willingness to submit himself to a Siddha Guru's commands to qualify for his blessings and guidance. Another equally unique aspect of Siddha Yoga is that the Guru is the prime mover in the disciple’s progress -so much so that guru controls the disciple’s mind, body and soul in order to lead it to divine realization. Time and space do not inhibit guru’s reach and access to disciple. Whether the guru is living in a mortal body or in ethereal form, he can continue to guide his disciple in any time and space till the latter reaches Moksha. However, this divine realization can be achieved only through a complete surrender to Guru; it cannot be gained through the use of money, manipulation, stealth, deception or intimidation.

A Guru may have many disciples in his own lifetime. But he needs to choose a worthy successor from his many disciples to keep the flow of spiritual wisdom flowing from generation to generation. He therefore identifies as his potential successor the one disciple who is highly evolved and willing to surrender himself completely to the Guru to do his biding. The Guru then guides and grooms the chosen disciple for this eventual succession. Just before he departs this world, the Guru transmits all his Yogic powers to the chosen disciple through ‘Shaktipat’. The powers so vested become active in a disciple the day his Guru departs this world, thus turning the disciple into a Guru!

Master Yogi Baba Gangai Nath Ji followed this time-tested Indian tradition for choosing his successor. He thus groomed his chosen disciple Ram Lal Siyag and passed on all his Yogic powers to him as he prepared to depart from this world. These powers became effective on December 31, 1983, the day Baba Gangai Nath Ji left his mortal body, conferring the divine Gurudom on his chosen disciple.

After attaining the Gurudom, Sadgurudev Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag is now carrying on the mission of divine transformation of human race, which his guru had entrusted him. Because the wisdom offered through his blessings is divine and universal, Sadgurudev believes that every human being has right to receive it. When today's physical science is integrated with this divine knowledge, it will help scientists around the world to find lasting solutions to myriad problems facing mankind.

Sadgurudev Siyag is therefore working toward freeing the world from the narrow confines in to which it has been divided by the established faiths. Following the Vedic dictum ‘Sarvam Khalvidam Brahman’ (all this is Brahman, the supramental consciousness), Sadgurudev Siyag has set out to unite the entire mankind by unshackling it from the narrow identities of nationalities, religion, race and color that divide it today.

“I have set out alone to elevate the Sattva Guna in mankind and to destroy all its Tamasic tendencies completely. No single nation, religion, race or caste can claim a monopolistic right over me,” Sadgurudev Siyag has proclaimed.

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Rule of initiation is an important part of the Guru-Shishya tradition and its being through Shaktipat (transmission of power), is of the highest order amongst all forms. Guru, of his own accord, awakens the inner Shakti-Kundalini and sets the divine Shakti (Power) in motion in the body of the disciple by any one of the four methods :

  1. 1. By Touch, 2. By Look, 3. By Word-the Mantra, 4. By Volition

Initiation by Touch
Guru transmits his power into the body of the disciple by touching at three places where Ajna, Hridaya and Muladhar Chakras are located in the body.

Initiation by Mantra (Sacred word)
Guru makes his force (power) to enter into the body of the disciple by mantra, which he himself has worshipped repeatedly for a long time. Mantra-power is fully assimilated by him. The Word that Guru activates, makes one full of life and powerful and gives results. Guru and the Mantra are one as God's power of divine grace. It dwells in him completely. By initiation through conscientious mind Guru elevates his disciples to a higher level of consciousness and leads them on to the path to deliverance.

Initiation by Look or Sight
Guru who has received initiation from an inward looking Sadguru and has, in his turn, attained perfection in seeing into his inner self or the inner light alone can initiate disciples by this method. For others to do so is totally impossible. Eyes of all sages appear wakeful and having an outward look but, in fact, their constant intent is on seeing 'something within'.

A mere look at the photographs of all great Saints like Guru Nanak, Kabir, Rama Krishna Paramhans and so many others who have appeared on the holy land of India, will bear enough testimony to this fact. My highly revered and saviour Sadguru Sant Baba Gangai Natji Yogi belonged to the class of these renowned sages as is evident from his photograph. By grace of my merciful, all powerful and librator Sad-Guru an ordinary person like me and had been bestowed with the power of Shaktipat.

Initiation by Volition
In this psychic initiation, the disciple receives Shakti merely by determination of receiving initiation from the Guru. I have come across many such instances in my Spiritual life. A few of my disciples are Spiritually highly conscious. They, either during conversation with me or by seeing photographs of my Param Siddha Gurudev or mine, go into meditation and many of the yogic activities start within their bodies spontaneously. Thus the fact relating to Eklavya's symbolic sadhana stands wholly proved.

According to our Holy Scriptures a person does not attain salvation as long as his awakened Kundalini Shakti does not reach Shahasrara. Fusion of earthly and heavenly elements is Moksha-attainment of kevallyapad stage.

Immediately on receipt of power through Shaktipat, Yogic Kriyas, like Asana, Bandh, Mudrayen and Paranayama, start automatically in the Sadhaka. Guru exercises full authority over the awakened Shakti Kundalini so that he can control its speed of flow and keep it under discipline. Kundalini, according to our holy scriptures (Shastras) is the Mother of the Universe. It is the Divine Light of the Supreme power, which is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. Thus the Sadhaka, whose inner Shakti has been awakened is able to realise and see the indefinite past, and the future.

Physical science is in agreement with the fact that the word once spoken never gets destroyed. Had mankind possessed any proper machine it could have been possible to hear it again. Our philosophy of Yoga specifies that not only it is possible to hear it but it is also possible to see and hear the speaker. There is certainly no difficulty in seeing and hearing the film that has been completed already. Many of my disciples are capable of providing proof for it, besides Patanjali's philosophy of yoga also substantiates these assertions.

It is by this initiation through Shaktipat that the people of the West will be made to revel in the Divine Bliss and he enabled to realise and see the indefinite past, and the future. Hence when millions of Christians, after initiation, will see and hear the indefinite past and future during meditation and Samadhi, then only all ambiguities will be cleared. Not much is known about a major part of Jesus Christ's life. Christians do not know that where he had been during that period. When millions of Christians during meditation will see and hear the complete life of Jesus then their all misconceptions will be cleared forever.

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Kundalini Awakening

‘Kundalini’ is considered as the feminine divine, ‘Shakti’, which, according to Vedic scriptures, is the very cosmic energy force responsible for the manifestation of the physical/material world. Since ‘Kundalini’ is the cosmic energy that originates from the Supramental Consciousness, it is an omniscient force, which enables the Yoga practitioner to realize his true self. Once this self-realization is achieved, the Yoga practitioner is led to Moksha, the final liberation from worldly existence and its attendant miseries.

Yogic philosophy recognizes the subtle link between the human body and the cosmic supramental consciousness, which is responsible for the body’s very creation. A potent force lies dormant at the base of the spinal column in every human body. Because it is coiled around the base of the spinal column in three and a half spirals, the ancient sages called it ‘Kundalini’, the coiled one (like a snake). Kundalini is considered the feminine divine, Shakti, which, according to Vedic scriptures, is the very cosmic energy force responsible for the manifestation of the physical/material world.

Since Kundalini is the cosmic energy that originates from the supramental consciousness, it is an omniscient force, which enables the Yoga practitioner to realize his true self. Once this self-realization is achieved, the Yoga practitioner is led to Moksha, the final liberation from worldly existence and its attendant miseries.

There is a close link between Kundalini and an intricate network of 72,000 ‘Nadis’, vein- like structures that exists in the whole of the human body. Three of these ‘Nadis’ are like arterial ways that spiral upwards from the base of the spinal column all the way to the roof the brain, called ‘Sahasrara’. The middle artery, also considered the major pathway, is known as Sushumna. The other two arteries on either side of Sushumna are called Ida and Pingala. Six Chakras and three Granthis - consciousness centers or cosmic energy hubs are located vertically at brief intervals in Sushumna.

This entire network of Nadis, Chakras and Granthis exists, in another dimension not known to science, in so subtle a form that no high-tech laboratory gadgets can ever detect its presence. However, when Kundalini is awakened, it rises through Sushumna to reach Sahasrara, its final destination where its master Param Shiva, the eternal supramental consciousness resides. As it spirals upwards through Sushumna, Kundalini energizes the whole network of Nadis and pierces the Chakras one by one. The awakened Kundalini gets connected directly to the supramental consciousness through the Sushumna pathway. As a result of this, every pore and cell in the human body is purified and purged of its bodily and mental afflictions, making the Yoga practitioner energized and ready for the onward spiritual journey.

The outward manifestations of this cleansing process are Yogic Kriyas or involuntary body movements that occur during Siddha Yoga meditation. Swaying from side to side, wild rotation of head, clapping and uncoordinated movement of hands are some of the most typical of these Kriyas. To an untrained or uninitiated observer, these may look bizarre or even alarming. But they are neither abnormal nor do they cause any bodily harm. Kundalini, being an all-knowing energy force, is aware of which body part or organ is in acute need of healing or cleansing. So, the inner Shakti Kundalini makes the practitioner perform Kriyas that are specific to his needs. With this cleansing, the practitioner is cured of all kinds of chronic and terminal diseases such as AIDS, cancer, arthritis etc., and genetic disorders like hemophilia. Mental afflictions too are completely cured.

Also, the piercing of different consciousness centers equips the practitioner with Siddhis (powers) such as increasing intuition, the ability to see unlimited past and future and perceive the existence of worlds beyond the physical one in which one lives in a mortal body. When Kundalini reaches Sahasrara, the practitioner's spiritual journey is complete as it is here that he realizes his true self. This realization releases him from the bondage of Karmas, which is the root cause of all human miseries. It is also here that he realizes he himself is the Brahman, the eternal supramental consciousness, the state also known as Moksha

The Vedic scriptures acknowledge the interplay of ‘Brahman’, the formless, limitless, eternal and never-changing supramental consciousness on one hand and its manifestation as the consciousness in the ever-changing material world. The consciousness in the material world, which impacts all animate and inanimate objects, is made up of a combination of three ‘Gunas’ (qualities)- ‘Satvic’ (lighted, pure, intelligent and positive), ‘Rajasic’ (passionate and energetic) and ‘Tamasic’ (negative, dark, dull and inert). Human behavior is therefore determined by preponderance of one of these three qualities. When ‘Satvic’ quality is dominant in a man, it propels him toward seeking greater consciousness so that he could free himself from Karmic bondage and return to the supramental consciousness to which he originally belongs. Domination by either – ‘Rajasic’ or ‘Tamasic’ quality leads the man onto an unending cycle of pleasure and pain and life and death. The practice of Siddha Yoga leads to the ascent of ‘Satvic’ qualities and eventual progress to Moksha, the final spiritual liberation.

Thousands of years ago, seers in the Vedic Age believed that human existence on Earth is marked by mega cycles each lasting for millions of years. Every cycle has four distinct periods called ‘Yugas’ with each of them having its own characteristic moral value. These follow in the order given here: ‘Sat Yuga’ (the age of truth), ‘Treta Yuga’ (in which only three fourths of truth remains), ‘Dwapara Yuga’ (here only half of the truth survives) and ‘Kali Yuga’ (in which all truth is annihilated).

The period or the Yuga in which we live now is ‘Kali Yuga’, which is also called the Dark Age because the ‘Satvic’ quality is dominated by ‘Tamasic’ and ‘Rajasic’ qualities, resulting in human conflict, misery and suffering around the world. This is the reason why the practice of Yoga is most acutely necessary in today's world. The vast body of Yogic literature offers myriad ways in which Yoga can be practiced. Among these, Siddha Yoga, the path, which has been made effective by a Siddha Guru, an empowered spiritual master, is considered the quickest and safest highway to liberation. This is because the seeker’s progress is inspired, monitored and controlled by a Guru who himself has travelled the path successfully and is therefore eminently qualified to guide his disciple.

Under Siddha Yoga, a Guru initiates a seeker into the spiritual path as a disciple by awakening his Kundalini. This is done through a process called ‘Shaktipat’ (transmission of cosmic energy from guru to a spiritual seeker) in a ‘Diksha’ or initiation ceremony. During initiation, the Guru gives the seeker a divine mantra, which the practitioner is required to repeat silently (without moving his tongue just as one doesn't have to move the tongue while reading) all the time while carrying on his routine chores. The Mantra acts as a trigger that prods the sleeping Kundalini awake and then sends it surging upwards. The silent repetition of mantra is called Naam Jap. After a certain period of relentless chanting of mantra, the disciple doesn’t have to make an effort to chant; the chanting begins to happen on its own whether he is awake or sleeping. This state is known as ‘Ajapa Jap’. The Kundalini awakening, which eventually leads to realization of one's true self, is therefore also likened to one lamp lighting the other.

When chanting of mantra is accompanied by regular meditation on Guru’s image, preferably for 15 minutes each, early in the morning and evening, it slowly unleashes a wave of Ananda (bliss), which is so soothing that the disciple feels he is on a high, and doesn't want to come out of it. Indian saints have described this state of Ananda as intoxication without drugs. The Ananda brought on by the mantra and meditation is incomparable to the calming effect of any addictive drug because it (Ananda) doesn’t depend on any external inducement and lasts forever. This is the reason why a disciple initiated into Siddha Yoga by a Siddha guru is freed from drug-addiction completely and irrevocably.

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Involuntary Yogic Kriyas

The divine Mantra given by Sadgurudev Siyag to the seekers awakens their Kundalini. When Kundalini gets awakened, it starts its upward journey through "Sushumna" (one of the three main nerves which start at the base of spinal cord and again meet at the forehead). Due to pre disposition of previous lives, the way remains blocked. To clear the way the Kundalini Shakti induces yogic movements in the body of sadhaka (practitioner). Yogic movements like Asana, Bandh, Mudrayen and Pranayama start automatically, and the practitioner can not interfere in it.

The sadhaka concentrates on Sadgurudev Siyag’s image at Ajna Chakra (location between the eye brows) and keeps on repeating silently the divine mantra given by him. The awakened Kundalini directs and controls all Yogic Movements in the disciple's body. These movements occur to remove all the blockages in the upward journey of Kundalini. By removal of these blockages the practitioner gets permanent freedom from all types of addictions and total cure of all physical and mental ailments and diseases including many incurable diseases like AIDS, cancer, asthma, arthritis etc. All this is possible due to awakening of the Kundalini shakti through shaktipat initiation by Sadgurudev Siyag.

This form of Yoga where yogic movements take place involuntarily is known as Mahayoga or Siddha Yoga. Since these movements are directed and controlled by the universal mother power Kundalini, which induces only those movements which are required in the body and therefore there is no chance of any harmful effect due to its divinity.

In fact the involuntary yogic movements occur to activate only those body organs which are not fully functional and thereby eliminating all types of physical disorders forever.

The practitioner can neither start, nor control and stop these yogic Kriyas (body movements) wilfully. These Kriyas are specifically unique to each practitioner like a custom-made program. This is because the divine force “Kundalini”, that is at work here through Sadgurudev Siyag’s spiritual powers, knows exactly which specific posture the practitioner needs to undergo to rid himself of physical and mental ailments, and to progress on the spiritual path.

The yogic postures under Siddha Yoga are therefore not standardized nor are they orchestrated willfully like those in a conventional yoga school. An observer watching people meditate on Sadgurudev Siyag’s image is often astonished to notice that almost each practitioner undergoes different yogic postures. Most practitioners also experience a sense of exhilaration and joy during meditation on Sadgurudev Siyag’s image that they had never experienced before.

The awakened ‘Kundalini’ gets connected directly to the Supramental Consciousness through the ‘Sushmana’ pathway. As a result of this, every pore and cell in the human body is purified and purged of its bodily and mental afflictions, making the Yoga practitioner energized and ready for the onward spiritual journey. The outward manifestations of this cleansing process are Yogic ‘Kriyas’ or involuntary body movements that occur during Siddha Yoga meditation. Various bodily postures, movements, breathing exercises, laughing, crying etc are some of the most typical of these ‘Kriyas’. All these yogic movements stop immediately as soon as the practitioner comes out of meditative stage.

To an untrained or uninitiated observer, these may look bizarre or even alarming. But they are neither abnormal nor do they cause any bodily harm. ‘Kundalini’, being an all-knowing energy force, is aware of which body part or organ is in acute need of healing or cleansing. So, the ‘Kundalini’ makes the practitioner perform ‘Kriyas’ that are specific to his needs. With this cleansing, the practitioner is cured of all kinds of chronic and even terminal diseases such as HIV, AIDS, cancer, arthritis etc., and genetic disorders like hemophilia, mental afflictions too are completely cured and stress is completely relieved.

Also, the piercing of different consciousness centres equips the practitioner with Siddhis (powers) such as increased intuition, the ability to see unlimited past and future and perceive the existence of worlds beyond the physical one that we live in. When the ‘Kundalini’ reaches ‘Sahasrara’, the practitioner’s spiritual journey is complete as it is here that he realizes his true self. This realization releases him from the bondage of Karmas, which is the root cause of all human miseries. It is also here that the seeker realizes that he is nothing else but the Brahman, the eternal Supramental Consciousness, the state which also known as Moksha


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